ABTRACO provides effective and high-quality consultancy services in different areas like agriculture and food security, trade and commerce, forestry, policy & legal aspects, industrial and economic development policy. Special quality of the experts in ABTRACO consist of enthusiastic and devoted to the objectives to be delivered and each of them having at least more than 12 years of working experiences in related field. It is due to these qualification and experiences that contribute to the quality of its deliveries.
ABTRACO was established in the year 2000 (2057 BS) based on the principle of cooperatives for providing support through consultancy services in the field of agriculture and rural development, food and nutrition security, trade and commerce, marketing and market management, non-agriculture & livestock products, activities leading to overall development of the country.
Being a cooperative organization, ABTRACO has gone through various service providing programs rather than sole profit making objectives. This is a multi shared organization resources coming through shareholders capital and project fund. It aims to build itself a sustainable institution with adequate number of expertise in various disciplines to deliver quality services. Further, this also aims developing cooperative work by establishment of expert members.
Agri-Business & Trade Promotion Multi-Purpose Cooperative Ltd. in short ABTRACO is an autonomous organization established in the year 2057 (2000 AD) based on the principles of cooperatives for providing support through consultancy services in the field of Agricultural and rural development, research and strategic planning, baseline surveys, post harvest operations, feasibility studies, food and nutrition security, marketing and market management of agriculture & livestock products, gender, child labor and equality issues, agro-based enterprise development, skill development package training programs to the stakeholders, enhancing trade competitiveness of high value
agricultural commodities
, monitoring and evaluation of projects/programs, environment and natural resources management.
Over a decades' working experience in the multi disciplinary fields, ABTRACO has undertaken various projects for wide spectrum of clients like DFID, CCO, USAID, UBDP, ILO, FAO, GIZ, IPGRI (Rome), GRPI (Nairobi), HELVETAS, CIDA, CIMMYT, MoAD – Nepal, AEC/FNCCI, NARDF, and other national and local institutions. In the process, the organization has executed several service oriented and income generating programmes for small entrepreneurs also. The projects implemented by the organization have been listed below.